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Nanny Ofsted Inspection

What to Expect From A Nanny Ofsted Inspection

Nannytax Q&A with Michelle Cusack following her first Ofsted Inspection as a Nanny. Read on to find out what to expect if you ever receive a call for your Nanny Ofsted inspection…

Did Ofsted give you notice before the inspection?

Yes, I got a call from Ofsted. The inspector contacted me to arrange a suitable place and time to meet and reminded me of the documentation they would need to see. They explained how they routinely inspect 10% of the nannies on the Ofsted register at random each year and others if they have received a complaint or a serious incident has been reported.

Do you have any previous experience with Ofsted inspectors?

I have worked as a Nanny for several years and been registered with Ofsted on the voluntary childcare register since 2014 but October 2020 was the first time I have been contacted by them requesting an inspection.

My past experience with Ofsted inspectors has been during inspections at nursery schools where you have a whole team of staff to provide evidence of compliance. Ultimately the buck stops with management and those higher up the chain. As a registered nanny working alone – there is nowhere to hide!

Where did the Ofsted inspection take place?

As the date we arranged was during half-term I asked if the inspection could take place at my employer’s house which is possible if your employer signs a consent form provided by Ofsted.

What social distancing measures did Ofsted have in place?

In line with Covid-19 guidance the inspector and I wore masks throughout the process, they sanitised their hands on arrival and we sat at a safe distance from each other. They had asked the relevant questions before arriving to ensure that no-one in the household had any coronavirus symptoms etc. Nannies may also meet the inspector at their own home or any other convenient place such as a cafe.

Did you have to show Ofsted certification?

I was asked to show some photo ID, proof of my current address, my registration certificate and my DBS history covering the time I have been Ofsted registered.

What questions did Ofsted ask you during the inspection?

The inspector asked me about who lived on the premises and took note of my usual working days and hours. They then asked several questions to gauge my general childcare knowledge and were particularly interested in these areas:

Safeguarding (Describe the different types of abuse and what you should do if you have concerns)

The Prevent Duty (What is it? What are the possible signs to look out for and what you should do if you have concerns)

Managing the children’s behaviour (How you do this and how you work with parents)

Knowing when you are required to contact Ofsted (For example, to update your details, when there is a serious incident or death of a child in your care, if 2 or more children get food poisoning and the latest additional requires you to report confirmed cases of COVID-19/ Coronavirus, if a child becomes seriously ill all within 14 days.

What was the most tricky topic discussed?

With regards to the Prevent Duty section I fortunately managed to answer all the questions to the inspectors satisfaction as I had a general awareness of the risks of radicalisation and terrorism and had been advised by other nannies that Ofsted inspectors were now asking about this duty. As with any concerning behaviour you see from children or their families this would be flagged up as part of your safeguarding duties. However, I realised that I didn’t know that much about Prevent Duty and have not undertaken any specific training in this area. Fortunately you can access some free and quick online training through the government website (which I have now done) and you get a nice certificate at the end to add to your CV.

To assist implementation of the duty in section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, a Prevent e-learning training package is now available. This is introductory training. It provides a foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the roles involved in supporting those at risk. 

Were your charges present during the inspection?

A large part of the inspection process focussed on discussing the different types of abuse, how you might identify these and what to do if you have any concerns. It was at this point that I asked my charges to go and play upstairs, as they had been playing in the adjoining room to where the inspector and I were sat. Their ears suddenly pricked up and they started asking loads of questions which the inspector wasn’t too thrilled about.

 So on reflection my advice would be to try and have the inspection when the children are not present, if appropriate, or make sure the children are distracted or out of ear shot depending on their age. This was my original plan but of course naturally curious children always want to see what you are doing and know “What are you talking about??!!”

 As we were discussing quite sensitive issues as the inspection progressed I am glad the children had moved away. Out of context they could have been quite alarmed by me talking about various children’s injuries and about me phoning the police to report on parents (in hypothetical scenarios I must add).

Ultimately the inspector was not interested in speaking to the children or inspecting the premises as their focus was on me and my knowledge and evidence.

How long did the Ofsted inspection take?

 The whole process took approximately 40 minutes and at the end the inspector confirmed that I had met all the requirements of the inspection process – which was a huge relief!

Any last advice for nannies who are contacted for Ofsted Inspections?

If you get that call from Ofsted saying it’s your turn for a routine inspection – don’t panic. Get your documents in order, do a quick search online to see what sort of questions other nannies have been asked and prepare your answers. Revise your safeguarding training and procedures, read through your study notes and refresh your knowledge of Ofsted’s requirements. Then you’ll feel ready and prepared to show Ofsted that you are a registered nanny because you take your job seriously and you are a professional!

Looking for more information on Ofsted and how to register?