Parents are able to take advantage of Childcare Vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare by employing an Ofsted Registered nanny. Ofsted currently operate two childcare registers for childcare providers in England.
Compulsory for childcare providers for children of ages up to five, unless exempt.
This is for Childcare Providers caring for children aged 5 and over. There are two parts to the OCR:
a) Compulsory when the provider is caring for one or more children aged between five and seven
b) Voluntary for all other childcare providers, including those who look after children in their own home*.
*Ofsted currently classes a nanny or a person who provides childcare within the child’s own home as a Home child carer. Home child carers are currently exempt from the compulsory Ofsted registers. Nannies can choose to register under the voluntary part providing they meet the criteria.
In Scotland it is the nanny agencies that are registered with the Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (SCSWIS) also known as the Care Inspectorate, (formerly known as the Scottish Care Commission). Parents wishing to use Childcare Vouchers or Tax-Free Childcare must employ a nanny through a registered agency.
For more information please visit the Scottish Care Inspectorate.
Wales has the Childcare at Home Approval Scheme on which nannies can register. For more information, please visit the Care Inspectorate Wales website.
Northern Ireland has the Home Childcarer Approval Scheme on which nannies can register. For more information, please visit the Home Childcarer Approval Scheme.
After subscribing we’ll provide you with a fully comprehensive Employment Guide where we cover the Statutory Excuse and employing from overseas in more detail.
If you would like to access our comprehensive guide, as well as all our other helpful tools and resources, please don’t hesitate to contact us, or alternatively you can get going straight away and set up your nanny payroll now.
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DBS Checks
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